Disability information

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Resource Room website with reading information


all kinds of minds website


Sunday, May 21, 2006

disability movie-superstar

superstar is about a special education student who wants to feel special so she enters a talent show.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

the virtual cell

The Virtual Cell.htm

David Rosen's literacy list

You will find the Literacy List now in two locations:



http://newsomeassociates.com (Select "Publications" at the bottom of
the page)

Friday, May 05, 2006

brain picture


more brain tours also this can lead to how emotional disabilities work


brain tour


plant tours on the internet


healthy cities- Los Angeles


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Two new study circle guides and a forum guide are available from NCSALL. To download free copies or to order printed copies of these publications, please visit the NCSALL Web site at http://www.ncsall.net.

Research-based Adult Reading Instruction

This new professional development guide provides all the steps, materials, and readings for conducting a 10½-hour study circle for adult basic education and literacy practitioners. The study circle covers the latest research on reading instruction.

Skills for Health Care Access and Navigation

The goal of this 15-hour study circle+ is to prepare participants to help their students develop basic skills needed for accessing health-related services and for navigating health care systems.

Health Literacy Public Health Forums: Partners for Action

This guide was designed to assist public health professionals and members of departments of health to conduct a forum on health literacy and thereby raise awareness about health literacy and links to health outcomes. The guide includes the materials needed for planning and implementing the forum except for the video/DVD, In Plain Language.

math book

Barker/Aufmann/Lockwood's Essential Mathematics and its Student
Solutions Manual

math study skills component

Genetic Science Learning Center


DNA Virtual Study

Human Biology online
