Disability information

Monday, August 28, 2006

Lincs assessment special collection

Check out. LINCS Assessment Special Collection .

The site has on-line resources and materials that are organized based on the roles of people involved in the work, but please do not limit yourself to any one particular role area – many resources will be of interest to you in other areas. In addition, while many resources are cross-posted, many are not, so I encourage you to surf around or do a keyword search at the site.

Do you have a great cyber resource that you don’t see in the Assessment Collection and you think it should be there? Definitely let me know about it and I will make sure it gets into the review process for possible addition to the Collection. I’m very interested in resources for use by teachers and tutors in the classroom, self assessment materials for students/learners, and any assessment materials from our international colleagues (I would like to build an international section).

From an email from Marie Cora